Building Apps

Building basic apps

To build a basic app all you need is your website URL!

  • Your web content will be presented through your app similar to a mobile web browser
  • Updates to your website will be automatically reflected in your app
  • Easily add push notifications using our OneSignal integration

Build a new app now at

Advanced apps

Median's powerful platform enables you to create more than a basic app.

  • Add native UI menus that adhere to Apple and Google design best practices
  • Add powerful Push Notification capabilities and send push notifications to all or a subset of your app users
  • Add any of our Native Plugins to supercharge your app with access to native device hardware, functionality, and third-party services
    • Native Contacts to import contacts from the user's address book
    • Apple Face ID / Touch ID and Google Biometric Authentication for simplified login
    • QR / Barcode scanning to streamline logistics/warehouse workflows or in-store shopping
    • Document Scanning to automatically crop and correct perspective of uploaded documents
    • And many more!