Setting iOS status bar background color

Hello! I can't change iOS app status bar background color. In app builder under [Branding] -> [Theme Colors] I can set Status Bar Background Color for light and dark modes. These settings are reflected in appConfig.json under `iosStatusBarBackgroundColor` and `iosStatusBarBackgroundColorDark` fields but don't seem to affect status bar appearance. When I search iOS app source code for `iosStatusBarBackgroundColor`, it seems it is not used anywhere anymore. It appears it was changed in [this commit improving Dark mode support]( Please advise, am I doing something wrong myself?

Download file Blob

Is it possible to download a file that is returned from our api as a blob? Currently we are trying to use window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); to pass a url to the gonative.share.downloadFile function but the app pops up a notification with 'unknown protocol: blob'.

Your APK or Android App Bundle needs to have the package name

Hello, I purchased a license and have edited the Android Package Name to make it match my domain name. I have regenerated the package and uploaded to the google play store. However, it keeps returning the following error: Your APK or Android App Bundle needs to have the package name

Can I trigger an 'app update required' alert?

We have a package that is changing in the build of the app itself and if a user tries to use the outdated feature we'd like to alert them that their app is out of date and link them directly to the app store. Is there a way to do this, it seems the only alerts you can trigger are simple messages with the 'ok' response.

Remember login

Is it possible to remember user credentials so the user gets automatically authenticated on opening the app?

Pull to refresh is called when Scrolling inside webview

In Android, When we scroll down in webview its always calling pull to refresh. And there are not interface options given to limit on what case we need to do pull to refresh. Even in documentation we cannot find anything. We are facing an P0 Blocker issue on this.

Unable to build local ios

We just added the social login plugin to our app and enabled google and apple sign in, however there are two errors stopping the build that we have not seen before. failed to emit precompiled header '.../Build/Intermediates.noindex/PrecompiledHeaders/GonativeIO-Bridging-Header-swift_2N65IRZ8Y1XMX-clang_39X5VEGFO5WUM.pch' for bridging header '.../Downloads/ios 5/LeanIOS/GonativeIO-Bridging-Header.h' and '.../Downloads/ios 5/LeanIOS/GonativeIO-Bridging-Header.h:5:9 'GoNativeCore/GoNativeAppConfig.h' file not found' The app runs fine on the dashboard simulator and android build runs, it just wont run locally for ios.

iOS - Cannot build - ‘<OneSignal/OneSignal.h>’ file not found error.

I downloaded my files from GoNative and opened the project file. On Build, Xcode asked me to assign a team to GonativeIO and OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension. So I did. Then I built again but get error: /ios/OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension/NotificationService.m:1:9 'OneSignal/OneSignal.h' file not found Using Xcode 14.1 I'm guessing this isn't expected. Am I supposed to install the pod manually? How do I proceed to build the app?

Web Bluetooth API

just curious why it doesnt work? It works on my website

Before signing up is there an easy way to build and test on an iPhone?

Before signing up is there an easy way to build and test on an iPhone? When I build with Xcode I get the following errors: /Users/XXXXX/Downloads/ios/GoNativeIOS.xcodeproj: error: "GonativeIO" requires a provisioning profile. Select a provisioning profile in the Signing & Capabilities editor. (in target 'GonativeIO' from project 'GoNativeIOS') GonativeIO" requires a provisioning profile. Select a provisioning profile in the Signing & Capabilities editor.